To all my dear adult dancers, pupils and loyal parents,

I am writing to let you know that I have decided to retire at the end of this term.  This has not been an easy decision, as you can imagine, but it is a final one, and it would help me very much if people could hold back from talking to me about it during working hours at the school, as I need to retain my professional composure and continue to teach your children, even though I actually feel quite emotional about this announcement.  I know I can be sure of your support, after such a long and happy time running this school.

What gives me some peace of mind about this decision, sad as I am in many ways, is that I am handing on the school to an old friend and colleague, Penny Cullerne Bown.  Penny is another experienced RAD teacher who has run her own school in Oxford for the past 30 years, and indeed we have worked together in various ways over the years.  Penny has been visiting classes this term to meet some of the children.  I would like to reassure you that we do not anticipate any very significant disruptions or changes to your children’s classes, as Penny has several other teachers who work for her, including a Tap and Modern teacher, so can cover most of the current timetable.  She will be in touch very soon to introduce herself and her other teachers, and to answer your questions.

I know this may seem rather sudden but it actually comes after a lot of thought, and for a number of different reasons.  I have had a very satisfying career in Oxford since taking over this school from Maretta Grace in 2001, and feel enriched by many happy memories of several generations of children and students.  Teaching dance is a wonderful life!  But it is now time for me to have more family time, time to explore other pursuits, and to be able to retire by handing over the school to a known and trusted friend and colleague makes this the right time for me.

I look forward to hearing about their continuing development.

With all my best wishes
